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Keep Track of Your Employees with the Team Management Feature

If you are considering expanding your business, we’re right here to support you. Goldie just launched the team management feature, which allows professionals to be in control of their staff member’s schedules and improve their performance by sending personalized text reminders. 

Many of you have asked if you could add an extra team member to your booking calendar. Finally, the answer is YES

In this article, you’ll discover:

  • How to manage your salon team calendar;
  • Access levels for each team member;
  • How team members can be bookable online;
  • Team notifications;
  • Performance reports;
  • Subscription and pricing.

Manage your salon team and their appointments


With the Goldie team management feature, you will be able to easily organize your team in one place, add or remove team members, set the level of access for each of them, and stay in control of your team easily. 

You can view all team schedules together so you can immediately spot who’s available. Initially, you will only see your own calendar in the app. After you upgrade and add extra team members, as an account owner, you will be able to see all the team members' calendars.

How to add an extra team member?

To add a team member to your calendar, you have to follow the steps below:

First, you will need to upgrade your account to Pro Plus. To do so, open Goldie and go to Menu > Change your plan > Select the Pro Plus subscription. You will automatically receive the Account Owner rights.

The Pro Plus subscription is priced at $39.99/month. After the plan is purchased, you will be able to invite your team members to the app.

An email will be sent to the staff member and he/she will have to set a password. The new member will appear in the team member list with a label informing that the email invite has been sent ("INVITE SENT"). At this stage, the member cannot be assigned to an appointment or service until he activates the account.

After the password has been set, an email will be sent to the member to download the app and sign in using the same credentials.

Individual logins and access levels for each team member

This team management feature was specially created to offer you the best scheduling solution and confidentiality, as there are 3 different levels of access to the calendars and to the account information.

Staff members will have their own individual login details, and they will only have permission to manage their own calendar. Staff members will not see other staff members’ calendars and Reports unless you give them Administrator access. Users with Admin permissions can manage everyone's calendars, and they have access to all sections of the app except Account & Business Settings. 

By default, your new team members get the Staff member permissions. Only you, as an Account Owner will be able to change the permissions for others from Menu > Staff Members > Edit staff.

Roles and permissions

Account OwnerAdminStaffManage all appointments, create appointments (personal events, time offs) for anyone, edit or delete any appointmentsManage all appointments, create appointments (personal events, time offs) for anyone, edit or delete any appointmentsEdit only own appointments: create appointments with own services, edit or delete only appointments that have only my servicesView all appointmentsView all appointmentsView own appointments (= appointments with services ONLY for current user OR assigned to the current user)Add any services to appointment, change staff for serviceAdd any services to appointment, change staff for serviceAdd only my services to appointment, cannot change staff for serviceManage all clientsManage all clientsAdd and edit all clients, except deleteView all clientsView all clientsView all clientsManage all servicesManage all servicesNo access to Services menuView all servicesView all servicesView only own services when managing an appointmentManage messagesManage messagesNo access to Messages menuView all messagesView all messagesCan view messages when creating an appointmentView reportsView reportsNo access to reportsMarketing (send mass)Marketing (send mass)No access to marketingOnline booking full accessOnline booking share onlyOnline booking share onlyManage staff membersNo access to staff menuNo access to staff menuEdit notifications for all usersEdit notifications for all usersEdit notifications for myselfFull Account menuAccount menu own userAccount menu own userChange Plan (subscription)No subscription accessNo subscription accessAll SettingsAll Settings Except:
* no change plan
* limited Account settings (as above)
* limited Notification settings (just online bookings)All Settings Except:
* no change plan
* limited Account settings (as above)
* limited Notification settings (just online bookings)Help CenterHelp CenterHelp CenterSend FeedbackSend FeedbackSend Feedback

Clients can book their favorite staff member online


Clients will be able to select a service and a staff member they want to book an appointment with. By default, all your staff members will be bookable online. If you prefer a staff member not to be bookable online, you can go to Menu > Staff Members > Tap on your member and disable the option “Bookable by clients online”

Your salon team is always in the loop

You and your members will be notified when an appointment is booked, rescheduled, or canceled. This way you’re saving time by not having to inform them directly about their upcoming appointments, making it easier for them to be up to date with their schedule.

To enable your notifications, open Goldie and go to Menu > Settings > App Notifications.

Personalized text message reminders for your team


Goldie saves you time by automatically sending your message reminders via our system or through your own device for a personal touch. All your appointment reminders can be personalized by using dynamic fields. Information such as the client's name, date and time of the appointment, location, or the appointed member will be extracted directly from the appointment details.

Performance reports for every team member

Goldie app reports

Now, you can have a view of your total salon earnings or earnings per staff member. With Goldie, it’s now easier to know which employees need help to improve their performance, or which ones bring you the most income.

Don't forget to update the app to the latest version from the App Store and Google Play and enjoy managing appointments professionally together with your staff!

Let us know in the comments section below how much this feature will help you grow your business, or simply share questions and impressions. Wishing you all a fully booked calendar! :)