How to Create a Counselling Room: A Healing Sanctuary

How to create a counselling room

In the realm of therapy, the counseling room in which the healing journey unfolds is as crucial as the therapeutic process itself. A counseling room isn’t merely a room but a sanctuary where hearts open, tears flow, laughter echoes, and healing begins.

As a therapist myself, I’ve recognized the profound impact a well-designed therapy space can have on my clients’ comfort and openness. The physical space where psychotherapy occurs is a reflection of a practitioner’s professionalism and approach to care. It’s not just a room but a part of the therapeutic process. A well-designed counseling room can significantly augment the effectiveness of therapy, making the space almost a co-facilitator in the healing journey.

So, how does one go about setting up such a sanctuary? This article walks you through creating a counseling room that embodies safety, comfort, and tranquility.

NOTE: The room where therapy unfolds is not just a passive backdrop but an active participant in the therapeutic journey.

Setting The Stage: Choosing the Right Location for your counseling room

Choosing a location for counselling room

Before diving into aesthetics and accessories, it’s crucial to have a sound structure to your counseling room. This includes choosing the right location. If you’re not conducting therapy in a home office, renting a space is a viable option. The average cost of renting a counseling room in the US ranges depending on the location, however, the average cost of renting a private practice therapist office space is around $2,500/month.

Location Accessibility: Ensure that the location is accessible to your clients. It should be near public transport or have ample parking space. Location is part of the experience the clients have during the therapy process.

Therapy sessions start when the clients’ are on their way to see you. The entire journey, from their place or work, trying to find a parking spot up until they enter the room, is part of the therapy process. 

Privacy: It’s the cornerstone that holds the fragile structure of trust between a therapist and a client. A room that provides a sense of seclusion, where the outside world feels distant, can significantly enhance the feeling of safety and openness. 

Ensure that the room is soundproof to maintain confidentiality so that conversations are not audible outside the room. Entrances and exits must also be as private as possible to make clients feel protected. 

Counseling Room Size: The size of your room can really make a difference in how comfy and at ease your clients feel. If things are too closed-off, it might give off a “no way out” vibe, while a too-spacious room could make them feel like they’re on display. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where you and your client have enough space to feel comfy yet close enough for a cozy chat where you can hear each other well and catch those subtle expressions. And hey, moveable seating is your friend here – it allows for little tweaks to ensure each person feels right at home during your sessions!

Integrating Digital Tools 

Scheduling app for therapists

A solid digital infrastructure is crucial for a smooth-running counseling practice. Among the various tools available, Goldie shines through. Not only is it in scheduling appointments, sending reminders, and handling payments, but it also provides a secure platform to keep client notes. Each appointment can be coupled with its corresponding notes and payment details, all housed under one roof within the app. 

Goldie also offers an online booking site, making it easier for clients to find you on Google, view your availability, and book appointments at their convenience. But fear not; the reins are still in your hands. Every appointment request comes to you for approval, ensuring you maintain control over your schedule. And here’s the cherry on top – if, for any reason, a particular client isn’t a good fit, Goldie empowers you with the ability to block them from making future bookings. Though this is a paid feature, it’s worth every penny, as you can ensure that your practice remains a safe and conducive space for therapy.

Designing Your Counselling Room

Color Palette

Counselling room color palette

Colors speak a silent language, evoking emotions and moods. Soft blues, gentle greens, and neutral tones have always been my go-to palette. They carry a calmness that smooths out the rough edges of turbulent emotions.

Not every therapist has the privilege to choose the paint or wallpaper for their space. It’s often recommended to opt for light and calming colors like shades of green or blue, as they are known to create a serene and comfortable environment conducive to open discussions and introspection.


Counselling room seat positioning

The setup of seating can be crucial. It’s recommended to avoid what’s termed as ‘confrontational seating’ – where two seats are placed directly facing each other, as it might come across as intimidating to the client. A recommended arrangement would be to have the chairs positioned at right angles to one another. Perhaps add a side table that offers practicality as it’s somewhere to put belongings and essentials such as tissues and a glass of water. This layout provides a sense of connection with your client, allowing them the ease to either maintain eye contact or subtly avert their gaze without needing to turn their head away.

Comfort is not a luxury in a counseling room; it’s a necessity. I’ve always found that a comfortable chair, a soft throw blanket, and the gentle warmth of a room can act as subtle reassurances, making the therapeutic process a tad bit easier.

The incorporation of rugs, throws, and cushions contribute to a cozy ambiance. Adding home-like touches like bookshelves, framed artworks, and fresh flowers around the room further enhances the inviting feel. Integrating more whimsical elements like crystals, candles, and bean bags can also reflect a sense of openness, empathy, and relaxed demeanor on your part, making the room feel like a safe and comforting haven for the client.


Lighting is like the heartbeat of a room. Natural lighting is a cherished companion in daytime sessions, its gentle glow casting a serene ambiance. And as dusk sets in, soft artificial lighting takes the stage, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Creating a Multi-Sensory Experience


Natural scent diffuser for therapy

Engaging the senses through aromatherapy can significantly elevate the therapeutic ambiance of a counseling room. The calming effects of aromatherapy are well-documented and can help foster a serene environment conducive to open dialogue and introspection. Moreover, introducing specific scents during sessions can help clients associate these aromas with the therapeutic experience. Over time, the mere whiff of these scents can act as a cue, helping clients transition quicker into the therapeutic mindset as they step into your room.

It’s crucial, however, to be mindful of potential allergic reactions. Opting for products with lower allergy potential is a prudent step to ensure the comfort and safety of your clients. Tools like air diffusers, wax melters, and water vaporizers/humidifiers can be utilized to disperse the chosen aromas gently throughout the room. These devices not only allow for a controlled release of scents but also contribute to maintaining a pleasant and comfortable room humidity level, adding another layer of comfort to the therapeutic space.

Music and Sound

Therapy background music

Though music and sound play an important role in crafting a therapeutic ambiance, they are less used in counseling sessions. The gentle cadence of soft instrumental music or the soothing sounds of nature can create a peaceful backdrop against which meaningful conversations can unfold. Music can touch the soul and unlock emotions, making it a powerful tool to enhance the therapeutic experience. Furthermore, the right acoustic setup can help maintain a calm and focused environment, encouraging clients to delve deeper into their thoughts and emotions.

Financial Considerations

Embarking on the journey of setting up a counseling room entails various financial considerations. Here’s a breakdown of the potential costs involved:

Rental or Purchase Costs: Renting a small office or therapy room can cost $500-$3,000 per month, depending on where you live. 

The foremost expense is acquiring a suitable space. Whether you decide to rent or purchase a property or use one of your home rooms, this will constitute a significant portion of your initial investment

Renovation and Decoration: Tailoring the space to create a welcoming and therapeutic ambiance involves costs related to painting, furniture, lighting, and decor. In terms of costs here, the sky is the limit.

Digital Tools Subscription: Platforms like Goldie can significantly ease the management of your practice, having both free and paid subscriptions, depending on your needs.

Utilities: Don’t overlook the recurring costs of utilities such as electricity, water, and internet.

Multi-Sensory Tools: Investing in quality aromatherapy products, sound systems, and other sensory tools will also cost up to 25$ to get started. 

Insurance: Malpractice insurance for counselors averages $2,000-$5,000 per year. State licensing fees are usually a few hundred dollars.

Marketing: Marketing. You’ll want to invest in a website, business cards, online listings, and possibly ads to help clients find you—budget at least $1,000-$3,000 to get started.

Budgeting wisely and perhaps allocating funds for unforeseen expenses can pave the way for a smooth setup process. 


Crafting a therapeutic sanctuary is an evolving journey. Each step, each choice in design and decor, echoes with the profound responsibility and the beautiful opportunity to foster healing and self-discovery. It’s a delicate dance between aesthetics, comfort, privacy, and inclusivity. And as the world outside continues to whirl in its chaotic dance, a well-designed counseling room stands as a silent, steadfast companion in one’s journey toward healing and self-exploration.

Goldie can help you easily run your private practice, simplifying your digital management aspect. From scheduling to note-taking, it’s a tool designed with a therapist’s needs in mind, providing a cohesive platform to manage client interactions seamlessly. The ease it brings allows you to focus on what you do best—nurturing a space of healing and progress for your clients.

As you embark on this journey of setting up your counseling room, may every choice you make resonate with the profound intent of facilitating healing and comfort. The ripple effect of your efforts will undoubtedly touch the lives of many, propelling them toward a horizon of hope and healing.

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Emmanuel Nashon Owaga
Emmanuel Nashon Owaga
4 months ago

This article was very helpful to me. I am specifically intrigued by the practical tips in the seating arrangement within the counseling room. Thank you for sharing this knowledge!

Diana Muresan
4 months ago

We’re glad you found the information helpful! <3