The best booking app for estheticians

Everything you need, from scheduling to getting paid. Get more appointments and grow your business like a pro. 


A powerful, all-in-one esthetician booking app


Dynamic online booking

Let clients schedule 24/7 with the best booking site for estheticians. Plus, add a “Book Now” button on Facebook and/or Instagram to turn your followers into customers.


Set recurring beauty appointments

Fill your calendar by scheduling regular sessions with your clients. Goldie helps you generate repeat customers and grow your business.

Easy payment processing

Take deposits, payments, and tips using the best scheduling app for estheticians. Simplify checkout for clients and accept various payment methods.

No-show protection, built into your esthetician scheduling software


Automated reminders

Send clients reminders and follow-up messages for each lash/brow appointment. Create templates that ensure clients always receive personalized messages.
Italian Trulli

Appointment status

Get notified when each booking is confirmed and when clients cancel/don’t show. Review your calendar at a glance with color-coded appointments.
Italian Trulli


Accept deposits at booking to reduce client no-shows by up to 30%. Goldie’s lash booking site helps you make the most of your time.

Detailed reports

Track your performance and identify new ways to grow your skin/beauty business. Plus, Goldie lets you easily export financial data to simplify tax season.


The only tool you need

View and manage all of your calendars, client communications, and income in one place. Make your week easier so that you can focus on building your business.

Effective staff management

Streamline your workdays with our esthetician business software. Get notified about staff members’ activity while controlling their permissions.

A better esthetician booking software, as rated by other independent professionals







Feel the power.
Just want to say, my business looks better because of your app. Clients feel power when you let them decide, they love it.
Paola V.
Personal assistant.
I use Goldie as my personal assistant. My clients truly appreciate getting reminders for their appointments. I also use it to store helpful information about my clients’ skin condition each time I do a treatment.
Jaqui J.
Esthetician at Skin That Cares
Customers love it.
This app is extremely straightforward! We love how it can be color coded & everything is available to see, such as price & time it will take. Text reminders are also a HUGE win. I love & my customers love Goldie.
Katy H.
Aesthetics & Beauty Therapist

Goldie's got everything you need

Schedule appointments and control your calendar using our powerful platform
Reduce no-shows by sending appointment confirmation, reminder, and follow-up messages
Enable your customers to easily book appointments based on your schedule
Take deposits at booking and offer a seamless checkout experience
Manage your list of service offerings and prices to keep your customers up to date
Stay organized and communicate with all your clients in one place
Grow your business by sending mass messages like promotions and rebooking reminders
Review your business performance to simplify taxes and identify new ways to grow

with ease

Take your business to the next level
and start booking for free today